Navalny - a Legend about the Other Russia
Poisoning, medical treatment in Germany, a return to Moscow, imprisonment - This news made Alexei Navalny especially popular both in the Russian Federation and abroad...

ISET Business Confidence Index | New Year, New Start?
After a significant deterioration in the previous quarter, BCI has increased by 32.1 points for Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 and reached 3.4...

Tourism & COVID-19 in 2020: An Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted tourism all over the world...

The Dramatic Changes Being Made in the South Caucasus
Covid-19, The 2020 Karabakh War, and ongoing political unrest have become the unofficial hallmarks of 2020 in the South Caucasus...
MIA Reveals Latest Road Accident & Crime Statistics

The statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Georgia...
Georgian, Latvian Presidents Mull Deeper Ties

The prospects of further strengthening relations between...
UN Security Council Discusses Developments in Georgia’s Occupied Territories

The Security Council of the United Nations (UN) discussed the recent...
Conference: Investment Plan for European Transport

On 23 and 24 March, Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc is meeting...
President Holds Consultations over Surveillance Bill

The President of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelasvili, has been holding consultations...
NATO Sec Gen’s Annual Report Includes Georgia

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg...
Georgia to Have First National Strategy of Sustainable Urban Transport

Georgia will soon have the first National Strategy of Sustainable Urban Transport...
Bank of Georgia and Rustavi Azot Questions Raised over Mystery Asset Lease Back

According to recent public filings by the Bank of Georgia, whose shares have been traded on...
EU Commissioner: Georgians to Enjoy Visa-free Regime with EU from Late March

European Union (EU) Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos...
Government to Invest GEL 4.5 mln in Check in Georgia Project

The Government of Georgia will support musical, sports and other activities...