Navalny - a Legend about the Other Russia
Poisoning, medical treatment in Germany, a return to Moscow, imprisonment - This news made Alexei Navalny especially popular both in the Russian Federation and abroad...

ISET Business Confidence Index | New Year, New Start?
After a significant deterioration in the previous quarter, BCI has increased by 32.1 points for Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 and reached 3.4...

Tourism & COVID-19 in 2020: An Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted tourism all over the world...

The Dramatic Changes Being Made in the South Caucasus
Covid-19, The 2020 Karabakh War, and ongoing political unrest have become the unofficial hallmarks of 2020 in the South Caucasus...
Ukrainian Political Parties Demand Return of Mikheil Saakashvili

Ukrainian political parties are demanding that Mikheil Saakashvili be returned to Ukraine. The statement...
Abkhazia, through the Eyes of a Tourist, Part 1

Sandwiched between Russia and Georgia-proper, a small piece of land...
Int’l Criminal Court Opens Field Office in Georgia, Led by Head of Office Dr Kaupo Kand

The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) opened a preliminary examination on the situation in Georgia...
MEP Rebecca Harms on Asylum for Cabuk

Member of European Parliament Rebecca Harms, on a visit to Georgia to lobby...
Georgia: New Times with New Challenges Ahead

Georgia's case is no exception in terms of the security exposure characteristic of a small...
Government Intializes Reducing Turnover Tax for Small Businesses

Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili announced at a Governmental meeting today, that according...
Expelled from Ukraine to Poland, Saakashvili arrives in Netherlands

Georgia’s former President and the leader of Ukraine’s opposition New Forces party, Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in the Netherlands...
Sanctions for Illegal Tree Cutting to Be Tightened in Georgia

Georgian government is going to tighten sanctions for illegal tree cutting....
Saakashvili: I Will Return to Ukraine and Georgia

Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s former President and active opposition leader in Ukraine, who was arrested on February 12...