Religion and Russian Politics at Rooms Hotel

Religion and Russian Politics at Rooms Hotel

The German think-tank Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung holds a public lecture in Rooms Hotel today at 11 am titled “State and Church in Russia: A political symbiosis?”

The conference will answer the following questions: 

• why did the unbreakable symbiosis between state and church develop in Russia?

• What are the implications for Ukraine and Georgia?

• What are the developments in Georgia?

The event takes place in the context of the strengthening of conservatism and anti-Western speeches in Putin’s Russia, shaped by the greater cooperation of the Kremlin with the Russian Orthodox Church. 

The panel is composed of Dr. Uwe Halbach, Science Policy Foundation, Germany, Beka Mindiashvili, Tolerance and Diversity Institute (TDI) and Levan Abashidze, theologian. 

The Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung aims to promote freedom and liberty, peace, and justice, focusing on democracy, Europe, transatlantic relations and development cooperation.

The working languages are German and Georgian, with simultaneous interpretation. Attendance is free. 

Image source: Facebook Event
By Lorraine Vaney
20 September 2019 10:43