British Elections: Boris Johnson to Lead Conservatives

Britain’s Election held yesterday was of the most volatile in years, although in the end, the result was exceptionally one-sided. This morning Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party was on route for a majority of well over 70 seats, the largest Tory margin triumph since the days of Margaret Thatcher. Meanwhile, Labor was anticipating its worst result since the 1930s. Mr. Johnson, who gambled with the likelihood of being one of Britain’s shortest-serving PMs, is now politically omnipotent.

The Economist issued a special edition article on the recent British elections. It reviews the overall results, as well as the political and economic direction of the UK, with a PM who has an overwhelming majority in the House of Commons.     

The instant significance is that, for the first time since the referendum of 2016, it is without question that Britain will leave the European Union.

“By the end of January, it will be out—though Brexit will still be far from ‘done’, as Mr. Johnson promises,” writes the Economist.

Nevertheless, the Tories' success shows something else, that there is an overpowering rearrangement in British politics. Mr. Johnson’s triumph results in the Conservatives taking the area that Labor had held for nearly a century.

“The party of the rich buried Labor under the votes of working-class northerners and Midlanders,” asserts the Economist.    

By B.Alexishvili

13 December 2019 17:01