Painting Shakespeare in Georgia: the Sumbatashvili Catalogue and Exhibition

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of artist Joseb Sumbatashvili, the Art Palace (Georgia State Museum of Theatre, Art, Cinema and Choreography, Kargareteli St. 6), has published a catalogue in his name and will be holding an exhibition of his paintings until December 20th.

A ‘Master of Light and Color,’ Joseb Sumbatashvili dedicated his life and creative work to the theatre. During his life, he decorated more than one hundred and fifty performances in Georgia, Russia, Germany, the United States of America, Poland, Bulgaria, Korea and others. He is known to have decorated the staging of many of Shakespeare’s works performed in 1940s Georgia and Russia.

“Sumbatashvili foresaw the historical-cultural environments of Shakespeare’s period in working on performance decoration. Dramatic collisions, tragic conflicts, and the strong passions of the heroes of the play were the sources of his inspiration,” said expert Lelo Chichinadze. 

Katie Ruth Davies

10 December 2015 20:47