Biden Wins 2020 US Presidential Elections

Former U.S. Vice President Democrat Joe Biden has defeated Republican President Donald Trump in the US presidential election. The voting results so far have brought the largest American media organizations to this conclusion.

US media has reported that Joe Biden won the Pennsylvania state election. He got more than 270 – 273, to be exact - votes of the Electoral College overall, by defeating Trump in PA, the state worth 20 Electoral Votes.

Some US media outlets have reported that Biden also won in Arizona, gaining 11 votes on the board. Fox News also gave Biden Nevada’s 6 electoral votes.

In Pennsylvania, Joe Biden won by 34,400 votes and garnered 49.6 percent of the total number of ballots, outperforming Trump’s 49.1 percent there.

The AP and other media outlets announced the report at 11:30 a.m. local time (8:30 p.m. Tbilisi time), prompting cheers from people in the US capital and other cities. In Washington, 90 percent of eligible voters supported Biden.

The inauguration of Biden, who will then be 78, as the 46th President of the United States will take place on January 20, 2021.

By Nini Dakhundaridze

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08 November 2020 00:45