Georgia Enhances Environmental Oversight with EU, UNDP
The Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has published a plan of action to enhance Georgia’s oversight on environmental issues. With the assistance of the European Union (EU) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), they plan is set to last from 2018-32, and focuses on Parliament’s crucial role in addressing the issues apparent in the country and how they can be addressed.
“The environmental agenda is fundamental for Georgia’s progress in many areas, including economic growth and international relations. The country has undertaken very real environmental commitments under the Association Agreement with the European Union and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Parliament, through its law-making and oversight work, and communication with citizens, will contribute to the successful fulfilment of these obligations,” said Kakha Kuchava, Chairperson of the committee.
The plan outlines goals, objectives and actions related to the environmental legislation set out with EU standards. Included are also mediation with relevant stakeholders and an oversight of the Government’s work.
Attention is directed to transparent and responsible communication with the public, considering Georgia’s Open Government Partnership and Open Parliament.
Additionally, the committee plans to work on some pressing environmental problems, such as air pollution.
By Tom Day
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