Navalny - a Legend about the Other Russia
Poisoning, medical treatment in Germany, a return to Moscow, imprisonment - This news made Alexei Navalny especially popular both in the Russian Federation and abroad...

ISET Business Confidence Index | New Year, New Start?
After a significant deterioration in the previous quarter, BCI has increased by 32.1 points for Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 and reached 3.4...

Tourism & COVID-19 in 2020: An Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted tourism all over the world...

The Dramatic Changes Being Made in the South Caucasus
Covid-19, The 2020 Karabakh War, and ongoing political unrest have become the unofficial hallmarks of 2020 in the South Caucasus...
Beeline Georgia CEO on the Communications Sector in the Covid & Post-Covid World
Beeline is well-known for its exemplary corporate culture. It cares about its employees a lot, so they can focus on serving customers...
The Banking Sector in Georgia (2017-2020)

By the end of the second quarter of 2020, loans and deposits, expressed as a percentage of GDP...
Carrefour Continues Support of Georgian Economy with Store-Openings in Gori & Tbilisi

Carrefour, operated by Majid Al Futtaim in Georgia, is celebrating the opening of two new stores in the country...
Parliament 101: An Outsiders Guide to the Coming Elections

Even the most aloof visitor to Georgia can’t escape the mass of posters and billboards emblazoned with political candidates and party slogans...
More Opportunities for Georgia’s Security & Prosperity. Part I

When discussing modern international relations, we must be moderate in our conclusions...
Let Them Live Out Their Lives: Dog Shelter for Sale, for Free

As its ninth month nears the end, it can be said with full confidence that 2020...
The Nobels in Georgia: Oil, Pipelines & Geopolitics. Part II

In the 1870s, Russian industrialists Bunge and Palashkovsky began constructing the Baku-Astrakhan-Volga railway...
Corona Updates

On September 23-24, 259 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Georgia and the number of infected people reached 4399 ...
Tourism Revived amid Pandemic

AclassA Travelers, a well-known Israeli extreme and luxury travel company, organized a jeep tour in Oni and Lailash for Israelis...
Survey: How Georgian Media Covers the Pre-Election Period

Election coverage has become more diverse in recent years...