Navalny - a Legend about the Other Russia
Poisoning, medical treatment in Germany, a return to Moscow, imprisonment - This news made Alexei Navalny especially popular both in the Russian Federation and abroad...

ISET Business Confidence Index | New Year, New Start?
After a significant deterioration in the previous quarter, BCI has increased by 32.1 points for Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 and reached 3.4...

Tourism & COVID-19 in 2020: An Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted tourism all over the world...

The Dramatic Changes Being Made in the South Caucasus
Covid-19, The 2020 Karabakh War, and ongoing political unrest have become the unofficial hallmarks of 2020 in the South Caucasus...
QATAR Airways Launches Direct Non-Stop Flights from Tbilisi

Previously serving only via Baku, the new direct flights complement...
Imedi TV to Buy Maestro & GDS TV Companies

Imedi TV has released a statement regarding its negotiations with Maestro...
George Derlugian: US Importance Overestimated in Caucasus

December 20-22 put many an academic and scientist in Tbilisi...
Georgia’s Foreign Minister: We Continue a Pragmatic Policy towards Russia

Georgia’s Foreign Minister, Mikheil Janelidze, stated on Wednesday...
Doing Things Differently: Ogden on Syria & The Long-Term

That 2016 has been the worst year of all time might well be disputed...
Armenia: Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place

Armenia remains in a precarious position. It is dependent on Russia...
Apathy, Monkeys & Roosters: People Should Stop Blaming the Animals

According to the Chinese calendar the Year of the Monkey is followed...
Georgia’s Gov’t Launches Education System Reform

The Government of Georgia has announced details of its education...
President Pardons 175 Prisoners before New Year

President Margvelashvili has granted amnesty to 175 inmates...