Navalny - a Legend about the Other Russia
Poisoning, medical treatment in Germany, a return to Moscow, imprisonment - This news made Alexei Navalny especially popular both in the Russian Federation and abroad...

ISET Business Confidence Index | New Year, New Start?
After a significant deterioration in the previous quarter, BCI has increased by 32.1 points for Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 and reached 3.4...

Tourism & COVID-19 in 2020: An Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted tourism all over the world...

The Dramatic Changes Being Made in the South Caucasus
Covid-19, The 2020 Karabakh War, and ongoing political unrest have become the unofficial hallmarks of 2020 in the South Caucasus...
Patriarchate: Prohibition of Church Services for Those in Need is a Crime before God

The Georgian Patriarchate has released a statement regarding the current situation ...
Italy Coronavirus Deaths Rise by 743 in a Day, Lifting Total Death Toll to 6,820

The death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus in Italy has grown by 743...
Trump Says He Wants Country 'Opened Up' by Easter

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he wants the country back to business by April 12...
10th Patient Recovers from COVID-19 in Georgia

Yet another patient infected with COVID-19 has recovered in Georgia, Marina Ezugbaia...
Those Who Intentionally Spread Coronavirus could be Charged as Terrorists

People who intentionally spread the coronavirus could face criminal charges...
Greta Thunberg: I Probably Had COVID-19

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who inspired the global school climate strikes...
Coronavirus Cases Rise to 73 in Georgia

The total number of persons infected with coronavirus has increased to 73 in Georgia...
EURACTIV on Georgia: Success Story in the Global Fight Against the Pandemic

In a recently published article EURACTIV focuses on the Georgian way of fighting against the novel coronavirus, calling it a 'success story...
‘Mission not Accomplished’: Wuhan Doctor Tests Positive for Covid-19

A doctor in Wuhan has tested positive for the coronavirus...
Gomelauri: the Marneuli Incident was Shameful

The Georgian Minister of Internal Affairs Vakhtang Gomelauri says the incident that took place in Marneuli was “shameful"...