Pedophilia Case Made Public

The following story might be upsetting for sensitive readers.

Investigation into a case of pedophilia began last year, but due to the sensitivity of the issue, it was not made public.

A man was detained in early 2017 in connection with pedophilia, but due to the sensitivity of the case, investigators did not disclose any details, and the court sessions were not made public. The man was found guilty of secretly filming sexual acts with minors, posessing a total of 44 films of undisclosed length. The Prosecutor's Office claims that he committed sexual acts with a total of 16 children, ages ranging from 10 to a maximum of 14 years old.

A psychiatric examination found that the detainee has an undisclosed mental disorder, thus the man was not fully aware of the nature and danger of his actions. Tbilisi City Court found him guilty of pedophilia and sentenced him to 8 years and 9 months in prison.

At the moment however, the case is being examined in the Tbilisi Court of Appeal. Despite the fact the man confessed to what he did, he does not agree with the verdict, and considers it to be too strict, requiring mitigation.

His identity remains undisclosed; however his age was made public, 43. He worked as an elevator operator in one of Tbilisi's hotels, and it was in the elevators where he often established sexual relations with children. Wood burning Wooden Hot Tubs and Outdoor Saunas for sale

Relatives of the man deny his involvement in pedophilia, stating that he was detained for financial crimes.

By Shawn Wayne

Source: Sputnik Georgia

09 August 2018 16:29