EU Supports Local Development Strategy Adopted in Keda

Municipality of Keda has recently adopted a Local Development Strategy, with the support of the EU-funded European European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).

The Local Development Strategy adopted by Keda Local Action Group (LAG) within the framework of the ENPARD's rural development project covers the following key areas: diversification of economic activity in rural areas, development of climate smart agricultural value chain, environmental protection, natural resources management and disaster risk reduction, education, culture, sport and support of youth activities.

The draft was presented to the government of Keda municipality and local communities, which was officially adopted by the minicipality. Through the ENPARD programme, EU supports the rural development in Georgia. The first phase of the ENPARD focuses on developing national agriculture potential, while the second and third phases focus on creating economic opportunities for the rural population that go beyong agricultural activities. ENPARD has been implemented since 2013, with a total budget of EUR179.5M. 

By Anna Zhvania

Source: EUNeighbours

Photo: ENPRD Georgia

10 September 2018 19:01