UNION STAR to Award Georgian Hotels Star Classification
According to the Head of the National Tourism Administration, Giorgi Chogovadze, hotels in Georgia will be awarded stars by internationally accredited organizations.
As Chogovadze said, hotels in Georgia will be able to appeal to the UNION STAR, an internationally accredited organization, to request the respective star. According to him, the procedure will not be obligatory and the issue of awarding the star will depend only on the hotel management.
"This will help them, but the country should take strict regulation in this regard, and make this procedure is mandatory. UNION STAR is a company that offers stars in about 30 countries, accrediting hotels using different models", said Chogovadze, adding that the initiative will involve the private sector, where the willingness of hotels to participate will be observed. As Chogovadze mentioned, pricing details are not known at this time.
UNION STAR is a leading organization whose representatives recently visited Georgia. "We reviewed their proposal and work specification. The development of modern technologies has changed how stars are awarded. When a user views listings on Booking.com or TripAdvisor, the stars reflect the assessment according to customers. Such issues will be more relevant in the future and the availability of these services will highy depend on customer reviews," said Chogovadze.
By Anna Zhvania
Source: BPN