Georgia is Safer than Germany, Says the Spiegel

In a story published last week, German newspaper the Spiegel assessed Georgia as being “as safe as Germany.”

Analyzing data from various research organizations, the author examined the risk of terrorism, violence, danger on the road and potential health risks.

The article follows the results of the 2018 Crime Index by Numbeo that lists Georgia as the fifth safest countries in the world. Tbilisi was ranked as the 16th safest city out of 327 cities, moving up three places compared to 2017.

General Manager of International SOS, a leading medical and travel security company, told the Spiegel that “the world has become safer this year.” The company rates the safety risks in Georgia as “low” as conditions are stable and the crime rate is low.

By Amy Jones

Photo source: Shutterstock

19 November 2018 15:01