Important Reasons We Should Drink Beer

Drinking beer in moderate amounts can have amazing benefits for your health!

It might be hard to believe, but beer is gaining a reputation as a healthy beverage among public health professionals. Let’s find out why it is not a ‘crime’ to drink beer, (but, of course, always in moderate amounts).

Consume soluble fiber and cholesterol will disturb you no longer!

One liter of beer can contain up to six grams of soluble fiber, which is one third of the daily recommended sum. Soluble fiber supports the proper functioning of the digestive system, extracting excessive amounts of cholesterol and sugar at the same time. A 230ml can of beer contains approximately 5.7g of carbohydrates. There is only 2.5g of residual sugar in it; the rest is nutritional fiber. 175ml wine (a standard glass) contains 5.9g of carbohydrates, but 5.6g out of it includes free sugars and it does not contain nutritional fiber.

Support your heart for better health!

Beer really can decrease the risk of the heart-disease. It increases the level of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) in the blood and prevents it from clotting (it can decrease the amount of clotting factors). Caution! Drink only moderate doses!

Beer strengthens bones!

There is high content of the mineral silicium in beer, which contributes to the strengthening of bones. Beer represents one of the few silicium-containing products recommended for women after menopause. According to a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, when comparing individuals consuming too much or too small amount of beer, the ones drinking larger quantities had much stronger bones. Even though beer may have a positive impact on the strength of bones, it is important to remember that it cannot serve as a cure for osteoporosis, as calcium, vegetables and exercise are the best ways to ensure health and strong bones.

Decrease the risk of cancer!

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) represent a carcinogenic substance which is formed during the heat treatment of meat. Placing meat in a wine or beer marinade can decrease carcinogenic HCA by nearly 88%; according to a 2009 study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a beer marinade is much better for reducing the level of HCA. However, due to the fact that frequent and unbalanced consumption of alcohol may become a catalyst for cancer of the digestive system or oral and breast cancer, it is vital to consume only a moderate amount of alcohol.

Decrease the level of sugars!

Alcohol can decrease the level of sugar in your blood. A large-scale study carried out in Harvard in 2011 examined about 38,000 middle-aged men and revealed that in those who consumed a balanced amount of alcohol (approximately 2 glasses per day), the risk of diabetes decreased by 25%.

However, it is worth noting that the glycemic index of beer is 100, which means it can sharply change the level of sugar in blood. But in case of modest quantities the effect will not be corrosive, as the glycemic value of beer is 6, due to the low content of carbohydrates.

Beer – the strength of encephalon!

A large amount of alcohol can damage the encephalon, however, with balanced consumption, it can genuinely strengthen the mind and even prevent dementia. Those who consume a glass of alcohol per day decrease the risk of a worsening of their intellectual capabilities by almost 20%, in comparison with those individuals who do not consume alcohol at all.

“Beer belly” – myth or reality?

The term ‘beer belly’ is a myth. The real reason for the extra weight is the consumption of more calories in comparison with the burnt energy. In spite of the fact that beer may support the intake of calories, it represents only a minor part of the equation. Consumption of beer is mostly accompanied by the intake of a large amount of food, which can cause obesity. Beer contains approximately 630KJ and 12g of carbohydrates, which is less than a slice of bread. Moderate consumption together with a healthy lifestyle will not cause you to gain extra kilograms if the quantity of calories and carbohydrates is controlled in your daily diet.

Duplicate proteins and nutrients!

In terms of nutritional qualities, beer contains way more B group proteins than wine. According to a 2001 antioxidant nutrient’s study (Nutrition Reviews Publication), beer contains approximately double the amount of antioxidants than white wine and just half that of red wine. Particular antioxidants differ in beer, as hops and yeast, used for the production of beer, contain flavonoids that differ from the ones found in grape.


22 November 2018 17:34