New Book 'The Global...Development'
A new book by Prof. Irakli Kovzanadze, Fiscal Committee Chair and Member of Parliament of Georgia, was launched in the Ballroom of Radisson Blu Hotel in Tbilisi, titled ‘The Global Economy: Post-Crisis to Sustainable Development.’
The book was published in the US and reviews and analyses macroeconomic, institutional and structural factors leading to global economic and financial crisis. In addition, cases of various countries and abundant statistical data are conveyed to suggest ways and methods to combat crises and exemplify economic development and growth models.
“Along with an overview of current key economic developments, the author presents significant and valuable measures which should be carried out during a financial crisis,” noted Francois Painchaud, Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the book launch. “He also gives ideas how to make economic growth sustainable in the long-run and includes structural reforms, economic diversification, improvement of the business environment and public funds management, eradication of inequality, tightening of regulations and supervision in the financial sector.”
Other guest speakers included Koba Gvenetadze, Governor of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG); Bruno Balvanera, Regional Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Ivane Matchavariani, Minister of Finance of Georgia; Acad. Giorgi Kvesitadze, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia; Giorgi Kekelidze, Director of the National Library of Georgia; and Giorgi Isakadze, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Magazine Georgia. The book launch was also attended by university professors, entrepreneurs, representatives of international organizations, Members of the Parliament of Georgia (MPs) and government officials.
“Parallel processes have been developing in the global economy over two dozen years, seeing globalization and instability in economies and financial sectors,” Prof. Kovzanadze told the attendees at the book launch. “Banking is particularly exposed. As an economist and practicing banker, I have been actively observing and scrutinizing these developments all these years. This book is the result of the research carried out.”
MP Kovzanadze has over 25 years’ work experience in the financial and banking sectors. In 2008-2012, he worked at the EBRD, while in 2007-2008 both at the EBRD and Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as Chairman of a Joint Commission of Corporate Governance of Banks in Eurasian countries. He is the author of seven monographies, one textbook and over 50 articles on economics and mathematics that predominantly relate to systemic banking crises in various countries, including transition economies.