Georgia Ranks 74 in Int'l Index of Property Protection

In the International Index of Property Protection, Georgia ranks 74 out of 125 countries. Georgia is place between Croatia and Tunisia, with the former taking 73 place and the latter - 75.

The International Property Rights Index is published annually by the American Property Rights Alliance. In 2017 Georgia, was ranked 88th in the index, hence, in the last year, the position has improved by 14 steps.

The level of ownership is estimated at a maximum of 10 points. Georgia has 5.1 points (an increase of 0.44 from previous year). The International Index Protection Index consists of three main components: legal and political environment of the country, protection of physical property and protection of intellectual property. Georgia has 5.3 points in the legal and political environment (decreased by 0.04), 7.1 (increased by 1.3), while 3 points in physical protection (increased by 0.05).

Finland is the first in place among the ranking, while Haiti holds the last position.

By Anna Zhvania

07 December 2018 16:57