WEF: Georgia Ranks 99th on Gender Gap in Politics
The World Economic Forum (WEF) published an annual survey Global Gender Gap Report 2018. According to the study, Georgia takes 99th place among 149 countries on gender imbalances in politics.
The survey evaluated four main criteria: economics and opportunities, educational achievements, healthcare and political empowerment.
Georgia's best result is among the education achievements criteria, ranking 66th in the world. At the same time, Georgia occupies first place in the sub-criteria for higher education.
In terms of participation in economic life, Georgia is at the 110th place in the world - the biggest difference in Georgia is in terms of average income. In addition, it became clear that most men (68%) among managerial positions occopy a larger share than women (32%).
According to the survey, gender balance is not protected in the participation of women in Georgian politics. According to the number of women in the Parliament, Georgia is ranked 105th in the world; The number of women in the Cabinet of Ministers is ranked 109th in the world.
Iceland is the most equitable country in the world, followed by Norway, Sweden and Finland.
By Anna Zhvania
Photo: WEF