Two New Penitentiary Establishments to Be Built in Rustavi

Under the initiative of the Minister of Justice of Georgia, in the framework of ongoing reforms in the penitentiary system, the construction of two new penitentiary establishments is planned in Chkondideli settlement, Rustavi. The information was released by the Special Penitentiary Service of Georgia.

According to the Special Penitentiary Service of Georgia, one establishment will accommodate 700 sentenced individuals, and the second 120.

The winning company of the tender, announced on October 25, 2018, has already begun working on setting up the perimeter of the construction by fencing and leveling the surrounding territories to the required standards, with completion planned for June.

The project design for the establishments is yet to be finalized. The contract with the project team was signed on September 18, 2018. Geological, construction and architectural aspects are under examination and complete design documentation will be ready by February 10. On March 15, the construction tender for the buildings is to be announced.

By Mariam Merabishvili

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04 February 2019 19:23