UNICEF: One in Five Children in World Lives in Extreme Poverty

UNICEF and ILO (International Labor Organization) joint report, released on February 6, reads that one in five children lives in extreme poverty (less than $ 1.90 a day), and almost half of the world’s children live in ‘moderate’ poverty (under $3.10 a day).

Isabel Ortiz, Director of Social Protection, ILO, said that child poverty can be reduced overnight with adequate social protection.

“To improve the lives of all children is an issue of priorities and political will: even the poorest countries have fiscal space to extend social protection floors,” she stressed.

Alexandra Yuster, UNICEF Associate Director and Chief of Social Policy, noted that poverty hits children the hardest since its consequences can last a lifetime.

“The poor nutrition and lost years of education that often result are tragic both for the individual and for his or her community and society,” he said.

The report calls for the rapid expansion of child and family benefits, with the aim of achieving universal social protection for children, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.

It also reads that social protection is critical in helping children escape poverty and its devastating effects, adding the vast majority of children have no effective social protection coverage.

 By Thea Morrison

Photo source: UNICEF

08 February 2019 19:00