Clay Processing Factory to Be Launched in Perevi Village

A new clay processing factory, is to be built in the village of Perevi, iSachkhere Municipality.

A 10-year license for obtaining minerals on the ceramic clay deposit of Perevi was sold for 121 626 GEL at electronic auction.

250 000 GEL is planned to be invested in the initiative. The construction process of the clay plant will create more than 30 workplaces.

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has said it will take the responsibility for the issuance of license for mining, including the license of the National Agency of Earth Sciences.

Baked clay, or ceramics, is considered to be one of the most unique materials, having been widely used in numerous fields, including architecture and healthcare, throughout centuries. Clay is used in eco-architecture even today.  


By Ketevan Kvaratskheliya

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11 February 2019 12:57