Preparation for the Fifth Anniversary Ceremony within Welcome to Georgia!
The first meeting of the Project Jury Board took place at the head office of Bank of Georgia on April 12.
The current year's plan, work processes, nominations, criteria, formats and the summed up 2018 results, were discussed during the meeting. In 2019, the Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Award offers many interesting novelties, upgraded nominations and a totally new format of ceremony. All the information will be presented at the 4th Tourism and Hospitality Conference, which will be held within Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards project.
We are pleased to remind you that 350 different companies representing tourism and hospitality market from all over Georgia including: hotels, travel agencies, festivals and events, restaurants, cafes, wineries were honorably holding the status of Nominee of Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards 2018. Each nominee was assessed in accordance with internationally recognized methodology by the Professional Jury Board, consisted of experts of international and local travel, culture and hospitality markets, who were separated according to categories depending on the kind of their main professional activity. As the guarantee of fairness and transparency of the Awards Project Independent Auditor “BDO Georgia” monitored all the processes, calculated the results and based on the points awarded to each Nominee determined the finalists and the winners in each nomination.
In 2019, the Fifth Anniversary Ceremony of the National Tourism Awards will be even more ambitious, large-scale, interesting and productive for each participant!
The main mission of the Project is to support Georgian Tourism and Hospitality industry and to promote the awareness of the high-achieving tourism businesses and brands that create a positive image of the country worldwide.
Co-organizers of the Award Project: Georgian National Tourism Administration on behalf of Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and, “Bank of Georgia’’.
Official Supporter: “Tbilisi City Hall’’
General Sponsor: “Alliance Group’’
Independent Auditor: “BDO Georgia’’