Anagi – 30 Years of Stability
The business story of Anagi starts in Ajara, when in 1989 Zaza Gogolishvili, a youth from Batumi, along with friends, founded a company, which expanded later and became the leader of the construction sector of the country. The Anagi Company has implemented multiple interesting projects so far. Development-oriented and based on the team-work principles, the company has over 200 completed and more than 22 ongoing constructions on its list.
Irakli Gogolishvili, the Director General of the company, has been the member of Anagi Company nearly for 12 years. Financier by the profession, he has been obtaining experience in the sphere of construction. After working as the Head of the financial department at the government services for multiple years, he found himself in the field of construction and has gone through almost all the stages from financial assistant to Director General over the years.
“I found myself interested in the construction sector right after joining the Anagi Company. This interest helped me to discover more about the peculiarities of the field. It is a very large, difficult and ever-developing sphere, where there are new technologies implemented permanently. All of that needs the constant follow up. There have been various obstacles and hindering conditions for these 12 years, including the year if 2008, when we had to carry out our work in very difficult circumstances. And our company still managed to follow the path of the stable development and progress in an instable environ,” says Irakli Gogolishvili.
Public-industrial construction is the major field of operation of Anagi, covering the entire specter of the sector, from designing work to handing in the project. The working plan for the upcoming 3-4 years has already been set and along with the ongoing projects, the works regarding some perspective projects are actively underway. There are nearly 2000 employees at Anagi, boasting high-qualified engineer-technical staff. The core of the members of staff has been working for the company for years.
Irakli Gogolishvili, the Director General of Anagi states that the flexible guarantee conditions represent one of the major superiorities of the company, which ensure the prevention of the risks for the customers. Anagi accepts any payment schedule, even without prepayment, in case of the presence of any guarantees. If the financing of the project takes place with the advanced payment, Anagi provides the relevant warranties.
The portfolio of the Anagi Company is quite diverse. The company has the construction projects in 5 directions: public, residential as well as industrial buildings, hotels, and private houses. With the efforts of Anagi and its partners, the following project have already been carried out: East Point Mall, the Hilton Hotel in Batumi, Ford Center, City Mall, Batumi Cable Car, swimming pool in Gldani, State Musical Center in Batumi, the Airport of Mestia, Piazza Batumi, the Houses Justice in Zugdidi, Lazika and Ozurgeti, Green City at Lisi, McDonalds Saburtalo and more.
Gogolishvili says that the company has a wide range of successful projects. Galleria Tbilisi is one of the latest and important ones, causing the high interest among public. The air-constructions producing factory, launching the details for the Being type airplanes is also on the Anagi account.
“Among the ongoing constructions I would mark out the Batumi Football Stadium, considered for 20,000 spectators, which has been designed in accordance with the IV category of UEFA. The construction of a sport building of such a scale across the country has not been carried out for the minimum of 50 years and this is very interesting.”
“We are actively engaged in the process of construction and reconstruction of multi-functional residential buildings. We are also involved in the rehabilitation program of the Old part of the capital and do our work with the sense of responsibility, characterized to the Anagi Company. We try to contribute to the development and improvement of the country,” stated Irakli Gogolishvili.
The quality management system – ISO 9001 has been implemented and actively operating in the company since 2011. Two years ago, Anagi successfully went through the recertification in accordance with the rules, set by the international organization of standardization and obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate.
The representatives of the company hope that the interest of the international investment funds will increase, followed by the implementation of various interesting projects. The team of Anagi is ready to carry out any work in accordance with the modern technologies and requirements and contribute to the infrastructural development of the country.
Irakli Gogolishvili states that the implementation of modern technologies and systems, represents the major priority for the company in case of management, as well as construction in particular. The main goal of the company is to scrupulously carry out the obligation towards the customers, underlining the long-term trustworthiness of Anagi.
Translated by Ketevan Kvaratskheliya