Average Salary Rises to 1092 GEL

In the first quarter (Q1), the average salary in Georgia increased by 33.5 Lari (GEL) year on year, rising to 1,092 GEL, according to data released by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).

The finance and insurance, science, technology, and information and communication sectors saw the highest salaries, earning 1894 GEL (+17.8%), 1799 GEL (+3.2%) and 1751 GEL (+3.9%) respectively.

Men earned on average 1294 GEL per month, whilst women only earned 876 GEL. However, women saw their average monthly earnings increase more per month – 58 GEL compared to 22.4 GEL.


By Amy Jones

Photo source - Currency Exchange

17 June 2019 14:06