Georgia Runs First Dual Vocational Education Qualification Exam
On 10-11 July, for the first time, a Qualification Exam for students of the dual vocational education program in ‘Viticulture-Winemaking’ took place in Georgia. The dual vocational education program is implemented with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Ongoing since autumn 2016, it is offered in two state colleges: LEPL Ilia Tsinamdzgvrishvili Public College and LEPL Community College Aisi. The program has actively and directly engaged up to 20 private sector companies at all stages of the program, where 60% of the students’ vocational learning took place.
“This month, for the first time in Georgia, the dual vocational education program in ‘Viticulture-Winemaking’ qualification exam was carried out,” said Tata Jaiani, representative of the Georgian Wine Association. “As a result of introducing the Dual Vocational Education Model, the wine sector will have professionals fully meeting the needs of the labor market. I have to highlight the importance of the fact that the private sector representatives were involved not only in the development and implementation of the training program but supported the coordination of the entire process.”
The examination board consisted of the representatives of enterprise management, company instructors and college teachers. The practical exam was conducted in cooperation with the ‘Georgian Wine Association’ and representatives of the implementing colleges.
The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement supervised the exam to ensure international best practice and institutional sustainability.
“A qualification exam is one of the preconditions for providing the labor market in the sector with professional staff. The exam contains both theoretical and practical components,” noted Dalakishvili, representative of the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement.
The practical exam took place in educational enterprise ‘Kindzmarauli Corporation’ in Kvareli, Kakheti region. Students performed work/operations to demonstrate the skills attained during their three-year program. The dual vocational education program includes viticulture, winemaking, administration (accounting, etc.) and wine marketing modules.
The program is supported by the Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training South Caucasus (PSD TVET SC) Program implemented by the responsible Ministries of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).