Georgia Marks Assumption of St. Mary

August 28 marks one of the most important religious holidays in Georgia. Mariamoba, known as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This day commemorates the assumption of the Virgin into heaven. All churches throughout Georgia hold special ceremonies and religious services in relation to this day.

Mariamoba is a public holiday in Georgia. On this day, thousands of Georgians go to the churches to light candles and pray. This time of year all Georgians visit their friends and family to celebrate the holiday together.

Traditionally, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, His Holiness Ilia II, serves a special liturgy on this occasion. 

The Blessed Virgin Mary, often shortened to Blessed Mary or Virgin Mary, is a traditional title used by most Christians to refer to Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. According to traditional beliefs of the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy and some Protestant churches, Heaven assumed her physically after the end of her earthly life.

According to some doctrines, her Assumption to heaven is believed to have occured after her death. The Assumption is important to many Catholic and Orthodox Christians as Mary’s heavenly birthday. It is regarded as a symbol of the promise made by Jesus Christ to all Christians that they too will be received into paradise. St. Mary’s day is a great holiday after Trinity Day in Orthodox World.

Photo: Fresco of the Virgin Mary. The altar of Kashueti church painted by Georgian painter Lado Gudiashvili. 1947 

By Ana Dumbadze

27 August 2019 22:27