Georgian Railway Workers Reach Agreement with Employer
Georgian Railway employees will no longer go on strike, as the process of negotiations with the company administration was successfully concluded.
Georgian Railway and the Georgian Railway New Trade Union announced that the mediation process was facilitated by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and as a result of it, the salaries of the workers will be increased from December 2019 instead of the previously announced March 2020.
The company notes that during the mediation process, the parties exchanged detailed information on the needs of the employees as well as the company’s capabilities in this regard. The parties found a mutually acceptable solution and an agreement was achieved.
“As a result of an agreement reached with the management, the Georgian Railway New Trade Union waived the right to strike and consequently no strike will take place. The controversial issues have been resolved,” the statement reads.
Georgian Railway says that the 10% increase will start in December 2019 and from October 2020, in connection with the Day of Railway Workers, those employees whose salary does not exceed GEL 1250 will additionally receive a monetary gift to the amount of 200 GEL, independently of the bi-annual premiums at New Year and Easter.
In addition to this, annually from June 2021, after publication of the audited financial results, negotiations will be held for the purpose of a segment review of wages, taking into account the profitability of the company.
The New Georgian Railway Trade Union reports that as a result of the mediation, it was determined that at the end of the year, 12,500 workers of the Railway will receive equal bonuses, divided among all employees, to the amount of GEL 333 per employee.
They also say the company will increase the salary budget by an additional GEL 3 million from December and by GEL 15 million in total, which will enable the raising of salaries of 12,500 workers by 10%.
“With the purpose of examining the labor law, including labor safety legislation and industrial injuries, as well as accidents, the Georgian Railway New Trade Union will participate in investigative activities of such cases in order to ensure full compliance with workers’ labor rights and safety standards,” the statement says.
The Union says when there is more unity, there is more solidarity. “We can achieve anything together,” they stated.
The labor dispute began on July 9, 2019 at the Georgian Railway. The Union’s main demand was the increase in salaries by 50% for those employees whose salaries had not been increased since 2013. They said 4,500 rail workers were ready to strike.
However, Georgian Railway said a 50% increase in salaries was unrealistic and they were ready to increase by 10% from 1 March 2020.
Georgia’s Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs called on the Georgian railway and its employees to sit for negotiations.
After conducting separate meetings with the Trade Union and the company administration, the sides managed to reach the agreement.
By Thea Morrison
Image source: Georgian Railway