Clash Occurs between Police, Members of Lelo Movement

Members of the public movement Lelo clashed with police officers at the entrance of the parliament.

Members of the Lelo, including Kakha Kozhoridze and Anna Natsvlishvili, tried to enter parliament and attend the sitting of the Legal Affairs Committee, where the lawmakers plan to vote for the 20-member list of the candidates for the Supreme Court judges.

The members of the movement were chanting: “Shame on you.”

Anna Natsvlishvili told reporters that no candidate for the Supreme Court should be appointed, as none of them meet the criteria of good faith and competence.

“We want to enter the parliament in compliance with all the norms of the law. There is a non-judge member of the Council of Justice Nazi Janezashvili here. The committee meeting is open, but there are police officers who do not allow us to enter,” she said.

By Ana Dumbadze 

Related Story: 12 People Detained at Rally outside Parliament

12 December 2019 11:34