Georgia's Historic Monuments Now Available on Google Maps

Georgia’s most important, ancient and historic monuments are now available on Google Maps; the world’s largest mapping service.

More than 200 monuments, which are of great interest to tourists, are easily searchable on Google Maps.

Using this service, people can check distances between two objects, particular places, or or get an upclose look, by using the zoom feature.

The detailing of Georgian monuments on Google Maps has been supported by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia since 2012. The project aims to promote Georgia’s unique monuments for tourists, and increase awareness across the world.

According to the National Agency of Cultural Heritage, the placement of Cultural Heritage Listed monuments will continue gradually in the future.

Currently, Georgia’s Public Register is regional administrator of Google Maps. The Public Register has been collecting geographical data and providing it to Google for 4 years, so information about Georgia can be properly presented on the world’s largest search engine.

In addition to the cultural monuments, information about Georgia’s capital city Tbilisi, including buildings, settlements, streets, roads, railways, mountains, peaks, rivers, are already available on Google Maps.

19 November 2015 17:41