Ministry of Environment Asks Citizens to Act Responsibly
Aspecial briefing entitled ‘Don’t Cut Down Your Christmas Tree’ was held at the National Forestry Nursery by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Gigla Agulashvili, in regard to the approaching New Year.
In order to prevent the illegal logging and sale of pine trees, the Environmental Supervision Department will implement preventive measures across the country.
Destroying and damaging trees and bushes and forest crops in the State Forest Fund area will be fined from 200 to 400 GEL. If this happens in protected areas, the fine will be from 400 to 500 GEL.
Violation of the law of national parks, natural monuments, wetland of international importance, or of the Red List species, will be fined from 500 to 600 GEL.
In addition to administrative liability, environmental damage compensation will be imposed on violators. If the damage amount equals or exceeds 1000 GEL, the violator will have legal liability.
Christmas trees can be bought from nurseries, plantations, private agricultural lands or imported. In such cases it is necessary for the seller to present relevant documents, while in the case of private agricultural plot, a certificate issued by the local municipality.
The crew of the Environmental Supervision Department will carry out preventive measures in hotspots such as in the surrounding areas and access roads of State Forest Funds, settlements and the entrances of the city, as well as alongside roads.
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia is offering citizens specially bred fir trees at the National Forest Nursery and calls on citizens to refrain from the illegal sale of pine plantations.
Ana Akhalaia