Waste Management to Cost Georgia EUR 130 Million

TBILISI – According to Georgia’s National Waste Management Strategy, measures to be taken from 2016-2030 will cost approximately EUR 130 million (USD 13 million), paid for by donors and the European Union.

According to the strategy, 900,000 tons of municipal waste is generated every year in Georgia, which amounts to 200 kg waste per person in an average year,

Though the average EU citizen produces 475 kg of waste per year, Europeans recycle 44 per cent of their waste product.

Georgia currently only has four landfills in the country that meet international standards. Of the 60 total landfills in the country, 13 have been closed and 28 were renewed and put back into service.

Nearly all of the rural settlements have one or more natural landfills that are often located dangerously close to the local population or near fresh water resources.

The new waste management code came into force in 2015, but for its full operation, it is necessary to adopt EU standard regulations on the disposal practices of the mining industry.
According to the strategy, two different systems for fully recovering waste management costs from the population and the private sector in the municipalities will be developed by 2020 and will be gradually implemented in 2025-2030.

A so-called “Polluter Pays” mechanism will be adopted and force the party responsible for the waste to cover the collection, transportation and processing costs.

By 2025, a paper, glass, metal and plastic waste separation system will be developed, with 8 -90 per cent of all waste recycled by 2030.

An extended producer responsibility bill will come into force in 2019, thus requiring a manufacturer to collect and process its own waste.

By Ana Akhalaia

Photo: Eugeorgia.info

15 April 2016 22:53