Make Your Office Green
Each day we make decisions that have an effect on the environment, create air and water pollution and affect global warming in the long run. Sometimes such negative actions are a result of unconsciousness or a simple lack of awareness of the impact they might have on our surroundings. This is why the non-governmental organization Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) started implementation of the Green Office campaign in 2008 and invited various organizations to join them.
The phrase “Green Office” refers to the attitude and practices that help to reduce the environmental impact of our office activities. In order to make the process easier, CENN has created a special portfolio of services intended to make offices environmentally friendly places.
Have you ever thought about the fact that overheating your office uses up a lot of resources, is expensive and produces high emissions? Or that the paper waste piled up in the trash bin every day can be reused and recycled? Or printing on just one side of the paper generates a lot of unnecessary waste? The solution is simple – think green!
To start off, keep track of the number of copies you make by using the counter on your machine to determine how much paper is being used. You can also calculate the weight and volume of paper used in your office each year. Tell your staff that number! Moreover, make sure all computers and other office equipment is turned off when not in use. The same goes for electric lights- switch them off when the natural light pouring through the window is enough. Enable energy saving features on PCs, printers, and photocopiers, and install LED lights where possible.
With these small steps, you can make a big difference to your surroundings and the future of the next generation. More companies and offices need to engage in green practices. And after mastering those small changes, you can also install special bins for waste separation collection and collect paper, plastic, glass, cardboard and aluminum cans, which will be regularly picked up by established collecting company Coop Georgia, CENN’s partner in this initiative.
Join the initiative, be green and look after the environment!
Further information can be found at
Katie Ruth Davies