Male Prison Commits Suicide in Gldani Prison

The number of suicides in prison has increased over recent years.There are a number of reasons for suicide, the most common of which is mental illness or depression. 
It has been revealed that the latest suicide victim is a male prisoner found dead in Gldani prison yesterday [July 7]. 
According to the Ministry of Corrections of Georgia, the body of the dead prisoner was found in a toilet by workers in jail block No.8, yesterday at 15:46. The man was born in 1980 and has been given the name 'Mr.D.T-M.' It is understood that he was being kept in a six-man jail cell before he committed suicide. 
According to the Public Defender Of Georgia, an investigation has already been launched into this tragic incident, under Article 115 of the Criminal Code.
The man's relatives were informed about the tragedy by the Prison Service. 
The Public Defender's Office said that special security workers have already investigated the place were the prisoner died and will soon release further information.They also expressed their deep condolences to the family of the prisoner.
Nina Ioseliani
08 July 2015 13:22