Microsoft Georgia & Degustate Wine Club Startup Announce Cooperation

Microsoft Georgia and Degustate Wine Club Startup last week announced their cooperation. As a BizSpark member, Degustate will be running its business on the Microsoft Azure platform.

“We are delighted to announce our partnership with Microsoft,” Nodar Baghishvili, Partner, Degustate said. “Such partnership comes at the right time for us, as the BizSpark program will help us with our IT infrastructure environment enabling us to run software on a secure, redundant and scalable platform, and will let us save on hosting and deployment of services. Besides the regular benefits of the secure Microsoft Cloud, we plan to use analytics to profile customers’ wine preferences, make predictions and the full power of the Artificial Intelligence of the Cloud platform. With the access to Microsoft Azure via BizSpark, we can efficiently support the demand for resources of Degustate’s rapidly growing business”.

Founded in 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia, Degustate is the first Georgian company to connect two different areas, Wine and Technology, introducing and implementing the respective new technologies and areas of future development.

“More and more entrepreneurs are putting stake in the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform and making the right choice,” said Nikoloz Doborjginidze, General Manager at Microsoft Georgia. “The flexibility of the service allows resources to be scaled depending on real traffic needed and to manage businesses effectively. There’s no need to use resources on technical support of infrastructure as it is done by Microsoft. As a result, these resources can be invested in the main thing – business development”.

Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps startups succeed by giving them free access to Microsoft Azure Cloud services, software, and support.

08 May 2017 17:10