Setting the Standard: PMCG Wins the UNDP Gender Equality Awards

Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) has won the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Gender Equality Award 2015 for Gender Balance at the Executive Level.

The minimum criteria that the UNDP has for the award for gender balance at the executive level are at least 30 % representation of each sex at the executive level, equal pay for equal work for female and male employees, and a gender–sensitive policy and strategy in the company.

Executive Director at PMCG Olia Watt said that PMCG is very glad for the award.

“We feel a lot of responsibility in terms of implementing and promoting gender equality, in business sector especially. That is why we are working on a strategy to communicate equality in the sector; to not only argue that equality is the right way, but also to show the private sector that it has real economic benefits,” Ms Watt said.

She further stated her pleasure that the PMCG policy of equal opportunity for men and women in the workplace had been acknowledged and positively appraised by the UNDP, an organization of such high standing.

According to Ms Watt, over the years, PMCG has stood by its belief that women and men should be equally involved in decision-making processes. Indeed, in the pursuit of development, this devotion to gender equality is the only way to progress in today’s business environment.

For decades now, the world’s leading innovative companies have been following this approach. Their development and success is a clear argument for gender equality. Samsung, IBM, Unilever, KPMG and Ernst & Young are among the leading examples in this regard.

The world has never seen so many women in paid employment as it does today, and women everywhere are occupying top level management positions. However, there is still an imbalance to be addressed.

“We believe that tomorrow will be even more diverse and we’ll have even more successful women,” Ms. Watt said, adding that, since its establishment, PMCG has strived to set a precedent whereby professionalism is universal, and not affected by gender.

“We try to give equal opportunities to each member of staff, which is reflected in the everyday operation of the company. Individuals in the company are chosen entirely according to their knowledge, skills and experience. The governing board has an even composition in terms of gender: four males and four females. Each member is given an equal opportunity to bring up ongoing topics which are then discussed in a round-table format. We realize that female team members need special support when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, we provide fully paid maternity leave to female staff. In addition, once an employee’s maternity leave has concluded, she has the opportunity to work in a flexible schedule, suited to her childcare needs. Every staff member of PMCG is covered by a corporate health insurance package that also covers their family members. PMCG creates a platform for each staff member to develop equally. Everyone has the opportunity to attend training courses, participate in conferences and even to continue studying abroad while remaining part of the company’s team,” she said.

“We take immense pride in being a successful, innovative company that introduces international standards to many Georgian and foreign organizations, and helps a number of governments to improve their policies. Having established a strong position in the country, we are aware of the importance of acting as a role model, setting standards for other businesses to follow. We take our responsibility seriously to show other companies and organizations that equal opportunities, rights and working conditions is not something special or unique, but should be second nature to all companies,” Ms Watt concluded.

Tatia Megeneishvili

23 July 2015 22:40