Business Representative Meeting at BIA

Business representatives from construction and development companies met at a regular meeting held by the Business Information Agency in Tbilisi, under the banner of B-Talks called “Construction and Development Challenges and Prospects of Companies”. 

The location for the meeting was the beautiful Holiday Inn Tbilisi, and was attended by over 100 different company representatives. The talk revolved around major market developments, construction statistics, monitoring information and future market prospects. The representatives had a chance to exchange opinions, network with fellow industry experts and learn about the key market dynamics in Georgia.

The discussions included experts from the City Hall planning bureau and supervision officials, both essential to businesses in the field. BIA’s meeting enabled a first-hand information exchange between regulators and constructors to synchronize their workflows to avoid future conflicts. The Tbilisi General Plan, a city and construction planning regulation, was at the center of the talks. Besides pressing questions on permits, securities, and planning restrictions, it gave businesses a glimpse into the city planning ideas of the Government.

The themed B Talks series by BIA aims to create the synergies necessary for a constructive and common business strategy between the public and private sector, focusing on bringing together both players in one room. BIA has been a forerunner in the Georgian business environment in providing a space for information exchange and networking opportunities.

The first B Talk was held on February 2, which focused on the transport industry and hosted over 70 representatives. Throughout the year, BIA plans on hosting additional events ranging from transport and construction to healthcare and food market sectors.

BIA is the leading information and data provider for companies in Georgia, analyzing and publishing statistics on companies and industry sectors.

By Benjamin Music 

06 March 2018 11:21