Rugby Clubs Accuse Gov't of Inferring in Rugby Union Presidential Election

Georgian rugby clubs say they are under pressure from the government, which is "interfering" in the Rugby Union presidential election and their activities.

Ramaz Kharazishvili, the head of an initiative group consisting of 9 rugby clubs, accuses the ruling party Georgian Dream leader Bidzina Ivanishvili's friend Givi Chichinadze and Soso Tkemaladze of putting pressure on municipal rugby clubs.

Club officials say they are being forced not to run in the Rugby Union presidential election.

"The forces behind Bacho Khurtsidze's (one of the candidates) arbitrarily call our support teams, intimidate them, and create the illusion that it all comes from the state.

"I appeal to you, Givi Chichinadze and Soso Tkemaladze, what you are doing now, no-one has done, after Merabishvili (former Prime Minister of Georgia) and those difficult years," said Ramaz Kharazishvili.

A veteran rugby player, Boba Kvinikhidze, called on the Prime Minister to ease the situation.

"Exceeding official authority is a criminal offense. Everyone knows their names and surnames, they should stop putting pressure on the clubs which support us.

"We are asking the Prime Minister to ease the situation and contribute to holding the election peacefully," said veteran rugby player.

The Rugby Union is expected to reveal the President between candidates Bacho Khurtsidze, Irakli Abuseridze and Gocha Svanidze tomorrow, however, as candidates are reportedly under pressure, and it is unknown whether a quorum will be formed.

By Ana Dumbadze 


30 December 2020 13:43